Coinsly | Blog

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

Launching Coinsly

By C.E.O @ Coinsly

Please note this this app is development preview and is only meant to be used by invited testers. Payments would not be processed!

Hello Everyone,

There are so many crypto-related rewards site on the internet if you browse, and the list keeps on increasing. More and more sites are launched often.

We saw that there were no good crypto rewarding apps on the smartphone market. There were few though -- most of them had some or other problems, most of them had negative reviews of getting scammed by the owner of the apps after the payments got larger. Also if there were some non-scam apps, they lacked many features including interface, diverse earning methods, smoothness, etc. That's where the idea of Coinsly originated -- we thought we could build a powerful app with many features. We have been very hard working on Coinsly since the past month.

We are not perfect yet, Coinsly is gonna be a beta test for the next few months. And we can assure within next few months, we are going to turn Coinsly into biggest rewards platform -- that not only offer crypto but much more payment methods, may include Fiat also in future. But for now, we are going to check how things go here. We may increase/decrease rewards so that we are not losing too much. We need some time to get things stabilized.

Currently, we had added only a few features on Coinsly which includes:
  • Offerwalls
  • Claim Gifts every 30 minutes
  • Referral System
  • FaucetHub Payment method (reason we have only added FaucetHub micro wallet instead of other methods being it's very easy to integrate and has no fees, unlike blockchain wallets. It also features instant payments.)
Here's a quick look at features we have planned for future -
  • EXP and Level System. Will increase your rewards depending on your level.
  • Withdrawal to Direct Crypto Wallet.
  • Rewarded Videos
  • Partner with many more offerwalls

We request you to send your honest feedback after trying out Coinsly app. That's the only way Coinsly is going to grow. Features and suggestions are most welcomed. We will reward you for reporting any critical bug or suggesting a good feature.

Until next time.

Have a nice day!

Regards, C.E.O of Coinsly / NewLane